Roofing problems can happen at any time of the year. Mother nature does not care if it’s winter in the Midwest. If your roof has any damage, leaks, or other major issue, and the temperature has dropped below freezing, do not wait to call us. Winter roofing is both possible and necessary to save you from paying massive repair bills from the winter weather damage.


Cold weather and snow comes with its own set of challenges. Our roofing workers take extra precautions and considerations during this time of the year, but it is possible! Roofers work all year round in most cases. Make sure you choose the roofing company that is going to do the job right!


How Tingley Roofing gets your Roof replaced in the Winter.

A roof covered in snow may seem like a huge challenge, and it can be…but with the proper training and preparation it can be safe and controlled. We clear off the roof properly before we get to work to ensure safety and quality.


As for the cold temperatures and extreme conditions, they aren’t as bad as you might think. In our years of experience we have learned to dress appropriately and keep ourselves warm by continuously working hard. In fact, some of the roof workers we have actually prefer the much colder weather as it means they aren’t sweaty and miserable in the summer when the heat can cause delays due to hydration and heat stroke safety.


Extra Precautions in the Cold

One of the extra precautions we take while working is to ensure your roof is installed properly without any cracks or damage. In the cold weather shingles can become more brittle and crack when bent or flexed. It is imperative that the shingles are handled with care and kept flat and secure during the installation process.


Cutting the shingles can pose another challenge. In addition to becoming more brittle, the asphalt becomes harder and more difficult to cut. We come prepared with freshly sharpened cutting tools to ensure your roof is done correctly.


Shingles also rely on a sealant on the backside to form a stronger bond, the cold weather can cause the sealant to remain hard and not seal properly. When temperatures reach this level, it is best to use a special sealant under the shingles to create a strong bond in cold weather. As the temperatures heat up later in the year, the original sealant will also activate creating an even stronger bond.


Many people wait until the spring to get their new roof.

It is seen as the “best” time to get a new roof. While it might be faster, and more common, you don’t want to ignore any current issues with your roof that can cause more damage the longer you wait.

Give us a call today to get a free inspection and quote from our experienced roofing team at Tingley Roofing.
