Don’t make the mistake of not using a professional commercial roofing company

In the era of Youtube, Google, and the most DIY business owners ever seen, many projects that would normally require paying an expensive professional are being done as a DIY project. While this can save loads of money on small projects, you may want to reconsider any DIY roofing projects on your commercial building. Here are just a few reasons why;

The Overall Experience:

When you DIY or hire a local handyman to do work on your commercial roof, you aren’t getting the years of experience and training found with a professional company. That much is obvious. What may not be obvious, is that DIY and handyman roofing projects have one of the highest rates of failure in the commercial building upkeep scene. Roofing related lawsuits are increasing year by year as a result! We have personally been contracted to fix many “handyman specials” on commercial buildings, and we want to prevent that type of scenerio.

Ongoing Maintenance: 

When you use a professional roofing company, you get more then a job well done. You get the commitment and long term service that a handy man cannot provide, and that DIY projects aim to avoid. Roofing problems can quickly spiral out of control if constant “band-aid” solutions are used. Professional roofers have the commitment to take on those ongoing problems and plan for the future…not just quick fixes.

Downtime & Cleanup:

Another major difference between DIY and Professional Roofers, is the downtime. Commercial buildings are typically used for commercial purposes. Lost time means lost money, and using a qualified roofing company will often save you money just on downtime alone!

Similarly, the cleanup process and quality of cleanup are very apparent. Often when we arrive to fix a DIY project, the cleanup was only half completed. Certified roofing companies take extra care to leave the commercial property in a pristine condition. To be blunt; many DIY roofing projects end in nails, metal, tar, and asphalt blowing around and damaging vehicles for months, while professional roofers are on the line to avoid these problems.

Overall, considering saving money by using a DIY roofer vs a Professional roofer can include a load of hidden costs, problems, and frustration. If you are still considering a DIY project, we would love to give you a second opinion and estimate so you know what pitfalls to look out for no matter if you choose DIY or Professional. Get an quick estimate here: